Singer Finance

Fitch Rates Singer Finance’s Sub-Debt Final ‘A-(lka)’

Fitch Ratings has assigned Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC’s (SFL, A+(lka)/Stable) Sri Lanka rupee-denominated subordinated unsecured debentures a final national long-term rating of ‘A-(lka)’. The assignment of the final rating follows the receipt of documents conforming to information previously received. The final rating is in line with the expected rating assigned on March 22, 2021.The debentures…

Hayleys delivers record PBT of Rs. 19.23 billion; Foreign currency earnings exceed USD 600 million.

The Hayleys Group delivered the highest revenue and profit in its 143-year history during FY 2020/21. The revenue increased to Rs 241.28 billion whilst Net Profit stood at Rs. 14.05 billion a 6% on Revenue. Profit attributable to shareholders recorded a healthy growth to Rs. 7.64 billion, compared to Rs. 372.42 million the previous year.…

HJS Condiments Wins Gold for Plant-based Meat Substitute Products

HJS Condiments, a subsidiary of Hayleys Agriculture Holdings Limited won the “Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Project” Award at The Best Corporate Citizen Awards 2020 organized by The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce event held recently at Cinnamon Grand. . The award was presented to HJS Condiments for its innovative and groundbreaking project titled “Positioning of flavored…

Singer Group FY 21 Performance Showcases Dominant Market Leadership and Brand Equity

Showcasing its dominant market leadership and brand equity, the Singer Group yesterday announced a post-tax-profit of Rs. 2.61 billion for FY 2020/21 from Rs. 427.27 million achieved in the previous year. The Group also reported a profit-before-tax of Rs. 3.82 billion, a six-fold increase, compared to 2020/21. Singer Group’s revenue increased by 23% to Rs.…