Skip to contentGEOGRAPHY
- Continent : Asia
- Island in the Indian Ocean located in south of India
- Land Area : 65,610 sq. km
- Climate : Tropical, 28 – 32 °C
- Commercial Capital : Colombo
- Administrative Capital: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
- Population (2022): 22.4 Million
- Literacy Rate: 93.0%
- Age expectancy at birth: 75.5 years
- Electrification: 99.3%
- Telephone including mobile penetration: 148.1%
- GDP (2022): US$ 75.3 Billion
- Services: 59.0%
- Industries: 31.8%
- Agriculture: 9.2%
- GDP per capita (2022): US $ 3,362
- CCPI Headline Inflation (Feb 2024): 5.9%
- USD/LKR exchange rate: Click Here
- Total Exports- Goods & Services (2023): US$ 11.9 Bn
- Total Exports- Goods & Services (2022): US$ 13.1 Bn
- Main Export Markets: U.S.A., U.K., India, Germany, Italy
- Total imports- Goods & Services (2023): US$ 18.3 Bn
- Total imports- Goods & Services (2022): US$ 16.8 Bn
- Main Import Markets: India, China, U.A.E., Malaysia, Singapore
- Interest Rates
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