
The Group's community engagement activities during the year were designed to address critical community needs while leveraging the Group's strengths in specific areas and aligning with the aspirations of the Hayleys Lifecode.

Social & Relationship Capital- Community Engagement

Key community developed projects carried out during the year include the following:

Sisu Divi Pahana
Puritas Sath Diyawara
Sathdiyawara Going Beyond
Home for Every Plantation Worker

ESG Integration

Significant progress was made in embedding ESG across the Group's strategy, processes and decision-making. During the year, considerable emphasis was placed on strengthening the 'Governance' pillar.

  • Formation of Sector-level ESG Steering Committees with defined mandates on managing ESG risks and opportunities, monitoring performance against targets and providing guidance on ESG-related programmes
  • ESG Roadmaps launched by 4 sectors (Hand Protection, Purification, Transportation & Logistics, and Eco Solutions)

  • Quarterly performance reporting to the ESG Steering Committee and the Group Management Committee

  • Quarterly monitoring of performance against ESG targets
  • Consideration of ESG aspects in decision-making
  • Quarterly assessment of ESG risks
  • Awareness and culture building

  • Strong ESG reporting practices
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Performance against targets

Pillar Target Performance in 2023/24
Climate Action
  • 30% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030
  • 90% reliance on renewable energy
  • 30% reduction in energy intensity
  • 2% increase in GHG emissions (Primarily due to new acquisitions)
  • 68% reliance on renewable energy
  • 22% increase in energy intensity
  • 50% sustainable water sourcing
  • 75% wastewater recycled and reclaimed
  • 14% recycled water usage with 49% increase in sustainable water sourcing
  • Increase biodiversity enhancing programmes to cover 5 times the area occupied by the Group
  • 69,382 trees planted
Engaged team
  • 5% attrition rate across the Group
  • Each employee to receive an average of 40 training hours/ year
  • 14% attrition rate across the Group
  • 10.19 average training hours/person
Supplier relationships
  • 40% of suppliers to be screened for social and environmental criteria
  • 3 sectors engaged in strategic supplier development programmes
Community relationships
  • 50% increase in CSR beneficiaries
  • 707,580 CSR beneficiaries

Way forward

Immediate term priorities
  • Product strategy centered on premium, value-added offerings
  • Optimising working capital to reduce inventory build up
  • Talent retention
  • Optimise funding and borrowing structures through proactive negotiations with banks
Medium-term priorities
  • Strengthen foreign currency generating capabilities through enhancing export-oriented sectors
  • Refine product offerings in tourism sector to cater to anticipated surge in industry
  • Organic and inorganic growth in complementary sectors and businesses
  • Digitalisation to drive efficiencies, enhance productivity and obtain richer data sights